Express yourself

Acts 3:12-19, Psalm 4, 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48

It is one of our greatest challenges: expressing our faith to others. It is a touchy subject to discuss in this secular world we live in. I attended a rally where the moderator made it perfectly clear that when a young lady offer a prayer that she make it as broad as possible. Why would would you ask a Christian to pray for you if it is suppose to be bland and generic?

Why not invite a rabbi or an imam if you are concerned about diversity of faith? Every program I have ever attended when those leaders of their faith were invited, they prayed as they would pray in their houses of worship. Why do we have to compromise because we believe in a Savior who intercedes with the Father on our behalf?

I am not a zealot, and as a former public servant, I understand there has to be a balance with my personal faith and application of the U.S. Constitution. But my constitutional right is to be able to express myself and my faith as I wish. One may not ascribe to my beliefs and as long as I respect the beliefs of others, then I am operating within the parameters of the law.

But what must be important for those of us who identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ is that we are not ashamed of the Gospel that defines our lives and strengthens our faith. We have been given a charge to express ourselves, not necessarily in a boisterous way, but in the way we act and comport ourselves.

We should give comfort, we should show compassion, we should be fair and just. More importantly, we must profess our faith and pray for all of God's children. Political correctness has its place as a discipline to show sensitivity, but it is not meant for you to compromise your values.

If you are a believer, then be a believer in public as well as in private. Be bold, but not belligerent. Be strong in your faith, but not obstinate. Be a voice of hope, not of fear. Our God is an awesome God. Don't be afraid to talk about it.


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