The Spirit Gives Life
1 Kings 8:(1, 6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43, Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, Psalm 84, Psalm 34:15-22, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69
For those of us who have struggled with our daily burdens on our own, it is time to stop. We cannot disconnect our problems from the help of God any longer. We were given an incredible gift from God that is equal the love and favor of God, that propels us toward eternal life. That gift is the Holy Spirit.
We marvel at the beauty of the flesh or the greatness of one's intellect. What we should be focusing on is the glorious wonder within us. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us a life that is great and powerful, that provides us hope and fortifies our faith. In essence, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate supplement for us, for it gives us the vitality to endure any hardship the enemy puts before us.
We have to remember that our real enemy is not any one human being or even a certain group of people. Our enemy is supernatural and attacks us by exploiting our carnal weaknesses and turning us away from God. However, the Holy Spirit is the energizer that can renew us and helps us fight against an enemy that seeks to make us faint and separate us from God and His favor.
Therefore, we need to tap into the power divinely given to us. The power that propelled the Pentecost. The power that revealed itself to John the Baptist. The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Yes, that same power dwells within each and every one of us and it is not a spirit of fear, but of great power to overcome anything.
Think about how powerful you are and step out into the life you have inherited from the Father, generated by the Holy Spirit.
For those of us who have struggled with our daily burdens on our own, it is time to stop. We cannot disconnect our problems from the help of God any longer. We were given an incredible gift from God that is equal the love and favor of God, that propels us toward eternal life. That gift is the Holy Spirit.
We marvel at the beauty of the flesh or the greatness of one's intellect. What we should be focusing on is the glorious wonder within us. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us a life that is great and powerful, that provides us hope and fortifies our faith. In essence, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate supplement for us, for it gives us the vitality to endure any hardship the enemy puts before us.
We have to remember that our real enemy is not any one human being or even a certain group of people. Our enemy is supernatural and attacks us by exploiting our carnal weaknesses and turning us away from God. However, the Holy Spirit is the energizer that can renew us and helps us fight against an enemy that seeks to make us faint and separate us from God and His favor.
Therefore, we need to tap into the power divinely given to us. The power that propelled the Pentecost. The power that revealed itself to John the Baptist. The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Yes, that same power dwells within each and every one of us and it is not a spirit of fear, but of great power to overcome anything.
Think about how powerful you are and step out into the life you have inherited from the Father, generated by the Holy Spirit.
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