The Complacency of Fools

Proverbs 1:20-33, Isaiah 50:4-9, Psalm 19, Wisdom of Solomon 7:26-8:1, Psalm 116:1-9, James 3:1-12, Mark 8:27-38

We, of the Christian faith, who take their blessings for granted, who fail to pray, who let their spirits diminish in trouble, are guilty of being complacent fools. If we embrace our faith as a vocation of custom instead of a joyous exercise, we are missing out on the beauty of our new life in Christ.

It is time for us to stop being passive in our faith. Members of other religions take time out of their daily lives to make sure that they pay reverence to God, but we say we are too busy. They are passionate about their faith publicly, but we sometimes feel ashamed.

Those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ should never be timid about who we are and what we believe. You don't have to be a blow hard, but you do have to be proud of who you are and to whom you belong to.

At my former church, New Horizon Church International, we used to recite a creed, written by the Bishop Ronnie C. Crudup, during the service to reaffirm our pride in who we were as Christians:

Having received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of my life and having been filled by the power and the presence of the Holy Ghost, I believe the following to be true about myself, other members of this church, and those in the body of Christ.

1. I am the beloved of the Lord and highly favored!

2. I am saved for all eternity, covered by the Blood, and clean before the Father!

3. I am a citizen of heaven and an heir to the promises of God!

4. I am God’s superman/superwoman: a strong man/woman over my family and home and in all the areas God has allowed me to tread upon!

5. I am a sin-buster, an enemy of the devil and demons, a living weapon, divinely powerful – destroying the works and strongholds of the enemy!

6. I am a saint of God, a faithful brother/sister, a proclaimer of God’s Word and a model of holy living!

7. I am more than a conqueror, a member of the royal family and royal priesthood!

8. I am the redeemed of the Lord, a new creation, a minister of reconciliation, and an ambassador of the kingdom!

9. I am somebody in the Lord! I am special, talented, brilliant, beautiful, courageous, competent – I am strong!

10. I am God’s man/woman!

Even though I am not a member of that church family any more, this creed still reminds me that I cannot be a complacent fool with the power of God that dwells in me, the relationship I have with the Father and with the gift of salvation His son, Jesus Christ, so freely gave to me.

It is my hope that you make a personal affirmation to not be foolish in your complacency as well. May God continue to bless you, be with you and keep you in His favor always.


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